Gabor Scheiring, PhD
Political Economist, Public Sociologist
The Retreat of Liberal Democracy
The Retreat of Liberal Democracy: Authoritarian Capitalism and the Accumulative State in Hungary. Palgrave, 2020.
"The book is a model of how to research and theorize authoritarianism."
—Peter Evans, Sociology, Berkeley
"As rich empirically as it is innovative theoretically.”
—Ivan Szelenyi, Sociology, Yale
"This book is a tour de force."
—Chris Hann, Anthropology, Max Planck Institute
"This book will set the agenda for the study of right-wing populism."
—Lawrence King, Economics, UMass Amherst
"A model of the new cultural political economy."
—Don Kalb, Anthropology, University of Bergen
"A quantum raising of the bar in the contemporary analysis of illiberal democracy in Europe."
—Nigel Swain, History, University of Liverpool
"Scheiring’s account will be of general interest to scholars studying topics related to the recent surge in right-wing politics across the globe."
—Adam Slez, Sociology, University of Virginia
Further details here.​
The Retreat of Liberal Democracy - in Hungarian
The Death of a Democracy: Authoritarian Capitalism and the Rise of the Accumulative State in Hungary ('Egy demokrácia halála: Az autoriter kapitalizmus és a felhalmozó állam felemelkedése Magyarországon. Napvilág kiadó, 2019.
The book argues that democratic backsliding in Hungary is rooted in the tensions of global economic dependencies. However, this specific form of authoritarian capitalism is the result of how the conflictual alliance of local classes, such as the business class, the political class, and the working class, translated globalization into the domestic context.
Order online (in Hungarian).
Hungary Back on Track
Hungary Back on Track: An Alternative Budget Proposal for Hungary ('Magyarország talpra áll: Az LMP alternatív költségvetési javaslata'). LMP & Ökopolisz Alapítvány, 2012.
The book offers a comprehensive economic policy alternative with detailed financial background calculations for 2012. The conceptual framework is rooted in sustainable human development and integrates economic, environmental and social principles. As an MP I acted as shadow Minister of Finance and edited the book that was also introduced to the Parliament.
Full text here (in Hungarian).
Green New Deal for Hungary
Green New Dear for Hungary: An Alternative Budget Proposal ('Zöld Fordulat: Az LMP alternatív költségvetési javaslata'). LMP, 2011.
The book offers a comprehensive economic policy alternative with detailed financial background calculations for 2011. The conceptual framework is rooted in the idea of the 'Green New Deal' and integrates economic, environmental and social principles. As an MP I acted as shadow Minister of Finance and edited the book that was also introduced to the Parliament.
Full text here (in Hungarian).
Globalization and Development
Critical Development Studies Reader ('Kritikai fejlÅ‘déstanulmányok szöveggyűjtemény'), Scheiring, Gábor & Boda, Zsolt (eds.). Új Mandátum, 2011.
This edited volume is the first of its kind in Hungarian. It introduces key thinkers in development studies to the Hungarian audience and is still being used as a reader for courses. I was the principal editor. The book is the outcome of a graduate-level course that we held.
Full text here (in Hungarian).
Globalization and Development at the Semi-Periphery
Globalization and development at the semi-periphery: Crisis and alternatives ('Globalizáció és fejlÅ‘dés a fél-periférián: Válság és alternatívák'), Boda, Zsolt & Scheiring, Gábor (eds.). Új Mandátum, 2011.
This edited volume is a companion to the reader on globalization and development. It contains the works of critical development scholars working at universities and NGOs in Hungary and the Czech Republic. The chapters offer critical examinations of various facets of East-Central Europe’s global economic integration.
Full text here (in Hungarian).
Ecology and Politics
Ecology and Politics: Green Political Theory Reader ('Oikosz és Polisz: Zöld Politikai Filozófiai Szöveggyűjtemény'), Scheiring, Gábor & Jávor, Benedek (eds.)
Budapest, L'Harmattan, 2009.
This edited volume is the first of its kind in Hungarian. It introduces key thinkers in green political theory to the Hungarian audience. I was the principal editor. The book is the outcome of a course that we held at a Hungarian university on the same subject.
Full text here (in Hungarian).
Economize Wisely!
Economise wisely! The Politics of Privatisation and Public Services (‘Gazdálkodj okosan! A privatizáció és a közszolgáltatások politikája’), Scheiring, Gábor & Boda, Zsolt (eds.) Budapest: Új Mandátum & Védegylet, 2008
This volume takes a critical look at public service privatization in Hungary, from the perspective of institutionalist economics and human development. It also contains chapters on the WTO’s GATS agreement and its implications for states’ capacity to deliver public services. I edited the book and also contributed several chapters.
Full text here (in Hungarian).