Gabor Scheiring, PhD
Political Economist, Public Sociologist
Podcasts & audio
Podcast: Transatlantic Populist Paralells
Dec 7, 2024: I was happy to discuss the role of economic shocks, symbolic class war, the unraveling of liberalism, and physical & mental suffering as drivers of #populism in the US and Hungary with Al Scott on his podcast, The Rational View.
Podcast: Post-Socialist Mortality Crisis
April 25, 2024: I talked with Reimagining Post-Socialist Georgia Podcast about how th post-socialist mortality crisis emerged, its political implications for today, and what types of methodologies are most effective for researching these topics and more in post-socialist countries.
Partizán - Mi a teendő: Podcast az illiberális hegemóniáról
Jun 19, 2022: Éber Márk Áronnal beszélgettem a Partizán podcastjában arról, hogy miért fontos megismerni azt a társadalmi koalíciót, amely a Fidesz hegemóniájának a támasza.
Poliko podcast: The Making of Illiberal Hegemony in Hungary
March 11, 2021: With David Karas and Kristóf Szombati we discuss the ideology and class coalitions sustaining Hungary’s current authoritarian regime.
New Books Network podcast about my book
January 14 , 2021: I discussed my book (The retreat of liberal democracy, Palgrave, 2020) with Tim Jones from the New Books Network.
My experience in politics and academia
June 30, 2020: Larry Liu - Ph.D. researcher at Princeton Sociology - invited me to join him for an open-ended conversation about my research and my political involvement.
G7 podcast Orbán Viktor 10 évéről a könyvem kapcsán
May 10 , 2020: Kasnyik Mártonnal a G7 podcast adásában beszélgettem a könyvem kapcsán az autoriter kapitalizmusról és Orbán Viktor 10 évéről.
The rise of authoritarian capitalism in Hungary
23 August 2018: I talked with The Correction Podcast about the changes Hungary has undergone over the last eight years. We discuss how countries slide towards authoritarianism, the failures of the liberal elite, and what West Virginia has in common with rural Hungary.
Videos (presentations & interviews)
On MSNBC about Trump, Orban, and authoritarian populism
November 26, 2024. I had the honor of joining MSNBC's The ReidOut with Joy Reid for an in-depth, 15-minute conversation about Trump, authoritarian populism, and the striking parallels with Orbán's Hungary.
The socio-economic base of Orban's international politics
October 31, 2024, I spoke with TVP WORLD, an international news network operated by Polish Television, discussing the social and economic foundations of Viktor Orbán's politics.
From neoliberal disembedding to nationalist re-embedding in provincial Hungary
April 20, 2022, Invited lecture and panel discussion with Chriss Hann at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden.
Deaths of Despair in Eastern Europe
July 2, 2021, Presentation at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Meeting.
The crisis of liberalism & the rise of illiberalism in Hungary: book panel
May 21, 2021. Book panel at the Thirty Years of Capitalist Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe Conference. Chair: Don Kalb (University of Bergen). Panelists: Attila Antal, Gabor Scheiring, Kristof
Szombati, Mary Taylor.
Deindustrialization as Social Death (presentation)
Apr 15, 2021: Presentation at the British Sociological Association's 70th Annual Conference (online).
Panel about my book (The retreat of liberal democracy),
Feb 9, 2021: A panel discussion about my book (The retreat of liberal democracy), organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, featuring Don Kalb, Dorottya Szikra, Krisztina Soreg & Zoltán Pogátsa.
Panel about Sociology's special issue on nationalism
Dec 10, 2020: Video features a discussion of the Sociology special issue 'Nationalism's Futures', published Volume 54 Issue 6, December 2020
Discussion with the Mayor of Budapest, Gergely Karácsony about my book and democracy in Hungary
Nov 10, 2020: Mayor of Budapest Gergely Karacsony joined the discussion about my recent book (The retreat of liberal democracy, Palgrave, 2020), organized by the Foreign Press Association, Milan.
Autoriter államkapitalizmus: Perverz újraelosztás és gazdasági hatalom a NER-ben
Jun 25, 2020: Előadás a Párbeszéd Fenntarthatóság Műhelyének online szemináriumsorozata keretében a könyvemről és az Orbán-rendszer politikai gazdaságtanáról.
Varieties of dependency, varieties of illiberalism: the crisis of democracy in East-Central Europe
June 20, 2020: Varieties of dependency, varieties of illiberalism: the crisis of democracy in East-Central Europe. Presentation at the Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN) Mid-Term Workshop, "What’s Next? Critical Political Economy at the End of Neoliberalism?", Limerick, Ireland (online workshop).
"Vannak veszélyei a kormány válságkezelésének" - Partizán Interjú
Mar 22, 2020: A jelenlegi világjárvány könnyen a 2008-as gazdasági világválsághoz hasonló társadalmi összeomlást eredményezhet. Mai adásunkban Scheiring Gábor közgazdásszal arról beszélgettünk, hogy mit kellene tennie a gazdasági és politikai elitnek a katasztrófa megelőzése érdekében.
May 17, 2019.: “The Political Economy of Authoritarian Populism: The Case of Hungary”, Presentation at Pembroke Colle, Cambridge University Hungarian Society and Pembroke Politics Society, University of Cambridge, UK.
Feb 14, 2018: “Illiberalism in Hungary: The Socioeconomic Roots in Comparative Perspective”, Public Presentation at the International Forum for Democratic Studies at the National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, D.C.
Feb 15, 2018. Panel discussion: Speaking truth to power: Media capture, disinformation, and democracy. Indiana University Bloomington
(Starting at 29:00)
May 16, 2017. Előadásom a Társadalomelméleti Kollégium szervezésében, Corvinus Egyetem, Budapest.
Nov 26, 2015. A mai magyar valóság az elmúlt negyed század tükrében. A 25 éves Politikatörténeti Alapítvány és a Politikatörténeti Intézet Társadalomelméleti Műhelyének konferenciája, Budapest.
Aug 29, 2011. Ökopolitikai Nyáriegyetem, Horány, 2011.