Popular Politics and the Path to Durable Democracy
Gabor Scheiring, PhD
Political Economist, Public Sociologist
Social classes and autocratization
It's the Economy, Stupid
The Political Economy of the Postsocialist Mortality Crisis
Deindustrialization and the postsocialist mortality crisis
The politics of growth models and populism
My book reviewed in AJS
Deaths of Despair in Comparative Perspective
Deindustrialization, social disintegration, and health
The national-populist mutation of neoliberalism
Neoliberal Capitalism and the Visegrad Countermovements
The social requisites of illiberalism
Neoliberal Capitalism and Visegrád Countermovements: introduction
Varieties of Dependency, Varieties of Populism
The Populist Radical Right and Health in Hungary
The political economy of national-neoliberalism
Populism in Hungary and Poland
Deindustrialization and the Postsocialist Mortality Crisis
Left Behind in the Hungarian Rustbelt
Privatization and the postsocialist fertility decline
Deindustrialization and deaths of despair
Book out: The Retreat of Liberal Democracy
From neoliberal disembedding to authoritarian re-embedding
Orbanomics: A polarising answer to the crisis of liberal dependent capitalism